Hohe Mut

High above Obergurgl towers the summit of Hohe Mut. This lookout summit shaped by the Ice Age stands out with its gigantic panoramic view of 21 three-thousand metre peaks and the surrounding, high alpine glacier world. From Obergurgl the summit can be conveniently reached by cable car, with the route through Gaisbergtal or Rotmoostal valleys requiring more effort but also being all the more rewarding.


Rotmoostal has been a research site (www.uibk.ac.at/afo/) for decades thanks to its landscape structure being highly suited to natural history research and the proximity to Obergurgl University Centre. A huge amount of natural history research work has been created since the 1950s. In 2010 ÖTZTAL NATURE PARK opened two theme trails of a different kind on Hohe Mut. The folder brochure "Of glaciers, garnets and bluebells" tells of the visible, special natural history characteristics and beckons to discover. Putting up signs in the terrain was deliberately done without.


OUR TIP: In the basement of Hohe Mut Alm Lodge, you can enjoy a natural history exhibition in a class of its own!