Martagon lily

(Lilium màrtagon)


The species is found scattered to frequently in Austria from the valley step up to the subalpine zone. Its typical locations are hardwood forests and copse forests. In Ötztal they are less common. Here you’ll find them in locations such as grass mattresses and in tall herbaceous vegetation.



The plant belongs to the family of lilies. It thus forms a bulb (and not a root) as a storage organ. From this, it sprouts again every year in spring. The growth height is 40-100 cm. The strong stalk has a long, pointed leaves. These are partially formed as “pseudowhorls” and envelop the stalk radially. In June/July, 3-20 cernuous flower heads appear per plant. The tepals (coloured pink with darker spots) are bent outwards extremely strongly, so that they are reminiscent of a turban.


Special features

The martagon lily emits a sweet scent especially in the evening, which attracts long-tongued butterflies as well as various hawk moths. Hovering in the air, these suck out the nectar. Pollination takes place by touching the pollen on the stamina.



The martagon lily is fully protected in Tirol, according to the Tyrolean Conservation Act.



ADLER, W., OSWALD, K. & FISCHER, R. 2005. Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol.-2nd edition.